Wipe all skirting boards, clean and dust light fixtures ,fans & switches .Dust and remove all cobwebs, spot clean walls, Vacuum carpeted areas , mop & sanitise wet areas & wooden floors. Clean & dust internal window sills, Wipe all doors .
Vacuum & Mop floors, Clean and dust light fixtures,fans & switches. Clean & sanitize all sinks, taps, cupboards,cabinets & kitchen bench tops. Clean & sanitize cook top,oven inside/out, range hood ,grill plate ,dishwasher . Dust & remove cobwebs ,wipe down all skirting boards.
Vacuum Carpets or mop floors ,Clean & dust light fixtures ,fans & switches , remove cobwebs ,spot clean walls.Clean inside cupboards & wardrobes.Spot clean walls ,clean internal window sills, clean & sanitize toilet & sinks .
Vacuum & mop floors ,clean internal window sills ,clean & dust light fixtures ,fans & switches. Clean & sanitise shower , shower screen & tiles . Clean & sanitise sinks , bathtub,toilet/s,mirrors, cupboards & bench counters.Wipe down skirting boards , dust and remove cobwebs .
As every property is as different as you and I, the above inclusions are only a guide and End of Lease Cleans will quote to suit your specific needs .